Monday, April 30, 2007
Scroll all the way to the end of the page
See - Ben does have hair!
Finally...some hot days!
I even got a chance to clear the rock bed for some roses:
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Charlotte's Web and more...
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Easter...better late than never
The kids counting their loot...
"Cailey has more eggs than I do!!!"
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
What a difference a day makes
Scott is at a mandatory work meeting until 9:00pm...they have closed the highway southbound from Lincoln. The roads are terrible. I am hoping they let him come home early...ugh.
One cool dude:
Monday, April 23, 2007
I need a time out
Take Cailey and Ben to Subway for lunch - they are "out" of toys for their KidsPack which causes Cailey to declare that life isn't worth living if she can't have the toy (okay those are my words...but that's basically what she said)...but it could possibly get better if they substitute a cookie...ahhhh...a born negotiator. Ben precedes to pull all the cups out of the cup holder thing on the counter while I am signing the credit card slip...and then made a full run towards the chip display (that's like pure joy for a toddler)...I think I stepped on/jumped over some other customers on my way to grab him before he pulled the whole darn thing down.
Once home with our Subway, Cailey decides she's not that hungry after-all. Does anyone want to adopt a 6 year old? :o) I clean up lunch that Ben threw on the floor because he was "all done" and thought screaming "all done" at me wasn't clear.
Put Ben down for a much needed nap...his...but I could have used one. Write in the blog - which caused me to get in the shower late and have to hurry, hurry to get ready...oops.
Wake Ben up (early - he only got about 1 hour) from his nap so we can drive 20 minutes to Parker Adventist for their appointment.
Get to the ENT office where Ben really put me through the ringer...hhhmmm let's the two hours we were there, Ben cried (when I say cry, I mean SCREAM) because he wanted crayons that another little girl had and wouldn't share (I didn't expect her to), cried because we had to leave the toys to go to the exam room, cried because Cailey was sitting in the big chair, cried because Cailey moved and sat in the little chair, found a way to turn on all the equipment in exam room, smashed crackers on the floor, pulled everything out of the diaper bag, spread toys from one end of the office to the I am picking up one mess...he's onto the next...and finally, tore one book they had stored in a drawer - he would have torn others, but I moved all the books out of he cried. I am really glad the doctor seemed to have a good sense of humor and enjoys kids! :o) They said he could come back in two months...God help them :o) :o)
Then, we had to drive across town (40 minutes) to a Vet Hospital where Cailey's Girl Scout troop was meeting to earn their animal patch. At the Vet Hospital, Ben sat in the stroller for all of about 20 minutes before he started to scream to get out. I let him out and tried to hold him...yeah right...he's 32 pounds and when he wants down...he wants down. I put him down to see the dogs...he screamed in excitment which scared the poor Great Dane (yes, a Great Dane) and the dog began to shake. At which point I directed him away from the dog and Ben really let the tantrum fly...straighten out, limp body falling to the floor...I put him back in the stroller while cried because he wanted to pet all the dogs. I took him outside and waited for Cailey to finish her tour of the Vet Hospital. Nice.
We went to dinner and Ben wasn't any better - I left an extra tip for the waiter/bus boy.
I have handed the kids over to Scott, poured a glass of wine, and I am going to bed. :o)
Life is grand...
Ben is up to over 50 words in his vocabulary (plus many signs to go along with his words!). We just stopped counting and recording them because he repeats everything now. He loves Sesame Street and has already mastered the art of "sweet talking" me into watching it..."Elmo...please?"...(said with the cutest little head tilt and "please" sounds like "peas"). My only concern is that he is a ball of energy and really needs some outside time every day. We have gone to the park as often as we can...but the weather is still crazy - 40 degrees one day, 70 the next. We broke down and bought a Step2 climber and slide for the backyard. He loves it and we spent this morning outside playing. He is such a sweet boy and I am loving every minute I get to spend with him.
Cailey only has 5 weeks left of 1st grade - it seems hard to believe that! She is doing great in school and seems to love every subject. She is in Girl Scouts and tap. Her big recital is June 23. She loves to dance...we tried soccer but she just ended up using the field as her personal stage - no joke...the other kids are chasing the ball and our Cailey girl is standing in the middle of the field spinning and dancing. So much for soccer...we have switched to dance.
I am now off to get ready for the ENT appointment this afternoon. This appointment will decide if Cailey and/or Ben need another round of ear tubes to help with the fluid in their ears. I'll post tonight to let you know what the doc says.