Monday, February 4, 2008

Pee in the potty

It has started. Ben decided this week that he would finally humor us and pretend to be slightly interested in going pee on the potty! We used the candy bribe (Valentine's heart candy) which seems to be the missing link. In the past, we have used other candy, but he just wasn't interested. Now...heart candy is another story and he likes the idea of getting a piece of candy for going pee. We have also put the potty in front of the T.V. ~ a strategy suggested by Grandma Kathryn ~ which has worked really well with Ben. He likes to watch Little Einstein's while he pees... a magazine for some, T.V. for other...who knew? We have been very careful not to push the issue and we are letting him decide when he is ready. I only ask him occasionally... to see if I can luck out and get him interested in the potty. Usually, I get a very firm NO! when I ask if he wants to try to pee on the potty. Unfortunately, Ben chose the worst two weeks possible to decide to want to potty train!!!  Figures!!!  We have so many things going on in the next week, and, not to mention, Scott and I are leaving for New York next Wednesday! But, the good news is Ben has gone pee on the potty five times in one day and has tried countless others. He is still relying on the diapers, so I think we are going to have to go cold turkey with the diapers and just deal with the accidents in regular underpants.  But, I am hoping I can put that off until we get back from New York. I think if we take it slowly, Ben will be less likely to resist. Here's hoping.  By the way, I HATE the potty training phase, so there will probably be many upcoming posts where I just need to vent! This picture will be used some 15 years down the road for blackmail as well (HEE HEE HEE!)... come home before curfew or the entire school gets to see you on the potty!