Happy Halloween!

It's a beautiful, beautiful day in Colorado ~ mid 70s, sun is shining, and bright blue skies!!! This is supposed to be the warmest Halloween in Colorado in 60-something years!!! Our little pirate and our little astronaut will be able to trick-or-treat tonight without snow suits, hats, and gloves to cover up those expensive, I mean, cute costumes...and I won't freeze my ass off following them up and down the street. Okay, that's a lie...I never go with them when it's cold... I make Scott do it...so, really
he won't freeze his ass off this year and I might just be able to go along for fun :o)...it's a wonderful thing!

Both kids woke up before the sun was up and were ready for school with time to spare...that's an unusual event in our house! Unfortunately, I made the decision to let Ben have a sucker after breakfast ~ because it is Halloween, after all! Heeellloooo!! He rewarded me for my generosity by puking down the front of him on the way to his school. I admit...smooth move on my part, huh. Crap! Lesson learned! :o) It was definitely a too-much-sugar combined with driving in the car, combined with all the excitement of Halloween ~ after he 'spit-up', he was running around and playing...so I know he feels fine. We are headed to the Bergs house later this evening to trick-or-treat and I think Ben is going to find most of his candy mysteriously disappear when we get home ~ clearly, he can't handle that much sugar :o)
Something we learned about both of our children this year ~ they take after me and HATE all things scary. Like me, they can't handle it! Cailey: The kids at school told Cailey about the Bloody Mary myth ~ turn around 13 time saying 'Bloody Mary' and then look in a mirror...Bloody Mary is supposed to appear in the mirror and either scratch your eyes, pull you through the mirror, or slit your throat. It's a story even I heard (and tried) when I was little ~ which I told Cailey...but she was still so freaked out that she wouldn't go to sleep. I tried covering the mirror in her room ~ she wouldn't accept the idea that, even if it were true, she had to turn around 13 times first and if she didn't do that then Bloody Mary wouldn't appear...geeessshhhh! But, she was still scared and ended up in our room shortly after we all went to bed. Ben: Ben is completely scared of all scary and spooky sounds! It's actually sort of funny and I must admit I get a kick out of his reaction when we put the Spooky Halloween Sounds CD on...which we put on more now that we know how much it scares him :o) Oh, come on...you know you would think it was funny, too.
Have a safe and fun Halloween!
1 comment:
OMG - hate Halloween puke! Have fun tonight! Cailey looks awesome! Love the lipstick...
PS - tell her about redrum...
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