Thursday, June 26, 2008

Arizona 6/26

Another day of swimming!!! Camp Gabsa came over today with Juli's friend, Lisa, and all the kids! For the first time ever, we had all six of the little cousins together! We were missing Matt and Zach, but this is still the first time we had all six of the little ones together. It was a lot of fun to see them interact with each other! I hope we get to do it more in the future.

Dane is so big, can't believe he is almost one! Lily looks like a little more baby features...same goes for Jackson. Ethan is such a big boy and talks so well...can't believe it when I hear some of the things he's too cute. Ethan loves to swim and was in the water with Geoff most of the time. Lily is a great swimmer and looks like a little fish. Cailey loved having someone to swim with (other than me). Jackson was a little fearful of the water, but Ben made up for Jackson's tentativeness by diving in head first ~ with or without his vest...he didn't care...gave all of us more than a few scares...geesh...that boy is fearless! Lisa's kids are so cute, but they have their own pool and couldn't seem to figure out what the big deal was for all of us :o)

Juli's birthday was today so we went out for Mexican food ~ YUM! There was some good food, good conversation, and a lot of drinking. Scott is still in Denver, so I was solo tonight and elected myself the DD. I still had a great time hanging out with the adults. Grandma Sunny and Grandpa Rich watched Cailey, Ben, Jackson, and Ethan! THANK YOU GRANDMA AND GRANDPA!! WE APPRECIATE IT!!!

Also...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CARRIE! Wish I was there to celebrate with you...or at least watch Mason for you so you could go out for dinner or something :o/

Enjoy the video slide show. It's a little long, but I had so many pictures to show! Juli sent me some of her pictures and I added those, too. Make sure your sound is on for a little music to play with your viewing :o)

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