Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween - Part 1

Ben had a small Halloween 'parade' through his school today. They also had a party with lots of treats. Not sure why they had it today because they are doing one tomorrow, too. Maybe it's to accommodate the part-time students. Oh, well. Ben will have two big Halloween days. Unfortunately, he's not as excited about wearing his costume as I thought he would be ~ that figures. I think he will get more excited tomorrow when he sees Cailey, Matt, and Zach dressed up. Cailey will have a big day with school-wide parade and classroom party. Then, we are going trick-or-treating with the Bergs and Ben and Cailey are already excited about that. Cailey will be dressed as a pirate, Ben is an astronaut/'rocket ship driver'. I am going to be a witch...okay, let the one-liners begin. I don't know if Scott is going to dress up? Hmmm...I guess I should find out. :o) Just a couple of pictures from today's parade.