Saturday, August 9, 2008

Cailey's 8th Birthday Party

Whew! Who's big idea was it to have 12 (yes, one dozen) 8-9 year-olds sleep over???

Cailey had her 8th birthday party last night. Her birthday isn't until Monday, but I wanted Scott around for the party so we had to do it before he leaves for Graduate School of Banking. Sooooo, last night was the night ~ and my birthday, too...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! :o) Scott was a huge help and I was definitely grateful that he was here ~ he was the entertainment for the night :o) The girls always love him. Holly and Zach were here for the evening, too ~ thanks Hol for all your help! Zach and Ben were in heaven with so many cute girls around.

The girls all arrived around 5:30. The girls ate pizza for dinner, played outside (it was beautiful outside!), did a foam art craft, opened gifts, ate cupcakes (Cailey had an Enchanted cupcake cake!), did a fun pipe cleaners activity, played games, and then set up their sleeping bags to settle in for a movie (Nim's Island). I thought the movie would calm things down and even put some of the girls to The girls stayed up until midnight, when I gave them the final (very stern) warning to go to sleep. I believe some stayed up well after midnight...although, I don't know how they could possibly stay up that late. Then, we heard them up at 6:45a this morning! Scott raced off to get Krispy Kreme doughnuts (for the kids) and Starbucks (for me and him!). The girls had time to play Charades, Pictionary, and Frogger (a new game we learned from Kendall!) before moms and dads arrived to pick them up. They even played downstairs in the basement ~ our secondary playroom, since there are so many retired toys down there. All the girls were really good and really nice to each other ~ it's a good group of girls and they all get along so well.

After all the girls left, around 10a, Cailey's friend Molly stayed and helped Cailey open some of her new gifts. They played Barbie for over an hour. :o)

I am going to bed early.

Enjoy the picture slide show. There's music, so make sure your sound is on.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Miss Cailey!! Looks like mom & dad did a great job with your b-i-g birthday celebration. These pictures leave no doubt you all enjoyed yourselves. Thanks for sharing...Love, Grandma & Grandpa Anderson

Alicia said...
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