Saturday, August 9, 2008

Cailey's party (in repeat)

Funny story. Last night we were missing one girl, Cailey's very good friend, Jacqueline. Jacqueline's mom RSVP'd that Jacqueline would be at the party and was excited to have been invited. However, Jacqueline never showed up. I thought about calling her house, but quickly got distracted and never did it. We missed her ~ everyone asked where Jacqueline was. I thought maybe she got sick or someone in her family got sick, but I wasn't concerned ~ I figured I would talk to Jacqueline's mom next week at school. Well, this 5:30 sharp...the doorbell rang. We weren't expecting anyone ~ who could it be???? We opened the door to... Jacqueline... holding her sleeping bag, her pillow, and a gift.

Scott says, "You missed the party, it was last night!"
Jacqueline's dad laughed, "That's funny."
Scott, "No, seriously, it was last night."
Jacqueline, "What?" and Jacqueline's dad, "Are you serious?"

So, yes, obviously we were serious. Poor thing. I thought she was going to cry. In any case, we weren't planning on doing anything tonight except watching the Broncos pre-season game so we are more than happy to have Jacqueline here for a private slumber party :o) Actually, it's probably a really good thing because Cailey was already complaining about being BORED ~ yes, I am serious...she was complaining about being bored. We even have enough of the crafts and cupcakes and doughnuts for one more person! Perfect! She doesn't get pizza because we ate the leftovers for lunch :o)

1 comment:

Terra said...

Cailey's friend is wearing a shirt from the camp I went to every summer growing up! I love that camp. Brings back memories to see the shirt!!!