Sunday, September 28, 2008

Two more kids, 10 times the exhaustion

Jackson and Ethan are here. Anna and Geoff are attending a wedding in San Francisco this weekend, so we have the boys until this evening. I am tired, so very tired ~ four kids is a lot of work. But, the boys have been really, really good. I am surprised, not because they are bad (they are not), but because this is the longest they have been left with both parents gone. I had, metaphorically, put my body armor on and prepared for the worst ~ tantrums, fear, screaming...the works. Fortunately, we haven't had any of that. The boys have been going to bed, eating, playing...all without fuss. Friday I added Matt and Zach to the mix ~ I know, glutton for punishment ~ but, the kids all played so nicely and really enjoyed each other. I love having the kids spend time together ~ I love that they are close to their cousins. I do wish they lived here so we could spend more time together.

  • Run to Starbucks for coffee
  • Take Anna to the airport
  • lunch and naps
  • lots of play time
  • dinner
  • walk to the ice cream store ~ we took the wagon for Cailey, Ben, and Jackson. I carried Ethan in the backpack. We only had one person ask us if they were all ours!
  • bed time


  • Breakfast and play time
  • drove to pick up Matt and Zach
  • stopped at Subway for lunch
  • nap time
  • lots of playtime
  • Grandma K came over to play and brought balloons!
  • dinner and bedtime


  • Starbucks ~ thank you Grandma K
  • Yummy homemade banana bread for breakfast - Yeah, Me!!
  • went to Zachary's baseball game and played at the park
  • lunch and nap time
  • went to buy a new fish, the furniture store, the mall (pizza!!!), the Container Store...yes, all four kids went and were FANTASTIC!
  • bath time and bed time!


  • Bronco Sunday!!!!
  • lunch and nap time
  • pick up Anna and Geoff from the airport
  • dinner at Red Robin
  • retirement ~ we will retire two children

Our new Crown-tail Beta named ~ Francisco Danger Adams ~ Danger is his middle name (HA HA HAHAHAH).

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Lily Bean!!!



Monday, September 15, 2008

I took Ben to get his three year old well-check today. He's a little over three years old because we had to postpone the well-check until after we got through all the tonsillectomy stuff.

So, here are the stats:
Weight - 41 lbs (97th percentile!)
Height - 39 inches (90th percentile!)

He's a big boy! He doesn't look that big, but if you try to lift just might throw your back out :o) I don't know where his height is coming from ~ must take after his Uncle Richie. Except for Richie, our family isn't known to have tall people. I am not convinced that he will be tall as an adult ~ I think his growth will slow down as he gets just isn't in his DNA to be really tall. Ben is also right on track with all of his development, including his speech!!! He isn't as articulate as Cailey was at this age, but we are finding that our children are as different as they can be...Yin and Yang. :o) I am so excited that Ben's hearing and speech have been cleared up and we can concentrate on moving forward and not having to work on 'catching up' to other children.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ben's First Swim Lesson

In the hopes of giving Ben some swimming skills and preventing a near-drowning, we have enrolled him in swim lessons. I have commented before that Ben has zero fear of the water and will jump into the pool anywhere, anytime...and frequently does...without advance notice. When at the pool, I literally have to hold on to him until everyone is ready to get in because he will jump in quicker than you can imagine. We have resorted to putting the life vest on him, but he is outgrowing that and starting to protest the vest. Besides, it's important that he learn to swim in any case. So, he will be going to swim lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays until the end of the year!

Last night was the first lesson and he was a little bored because he has to wait his turn with the instructor ~ he didn't understand why he had to sit on the step instead of playing. He kept telling me, "I already know how to swim. I a good swimmer, Mommy." There in lies the problem. He thinks he can swim. But, he did great listening to the teacher and learning how to blow bubbles and float! He's such a big boy, now.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Little random thoughts swimming around in my head...

I love shopping. I love buying new clothes and I have picked up a new love of all things accessory related ~ jewelry, shoes, handbags, glasses, belts. Scott definitely does not like this new love of accessories.

I finally spent my gift card from Christmas to Pottery Barn. I bought three decorative vases for the dining room table. Now that I have them home, I can't decide if I like them ~ I think I might take them back and get something else I saw at Pottery Barn.

Football season has started so I have lost all access to the television on the weekends until January. I guess I'll go shopping on the weekends...HA HA HA

I am super excited about my upcoming trip to Ohio for our class reunion!! Can I lose 20 pounds in three weeks? No? I'll just eat another piece of cake then :o) ;o)

Can I take two carry-ons on the plane? I have to check that because I do not want to check a bag and risk it getting lost.

I am finally starting to feel better after fighting a serious cold for over a week.

Cailey is going to be a pirate for Halloween ~ we already bought the costume. Ben wants the sword and the eye patch but doesn't care about anything else. Should we all dress up as pirates and be a family of pirates for Halloween this year? Should we have a Halloween Party? What day is Halloween this year?

We have to lube the belt on the treadmill but I have no idea where the lube is ~ I can't use the treadmill until we find the lube...ugh.

Ben had his post-op appointment with the ENT and all is well. He passed his hearing test!!

Christmas is coming.

I hate Mondays and I hate that hating Mondays ruins my Sunday because I am anticipating Monday.

We need to pull the video camera out and get Ben singing on video ~ he sings BINGO, Take Me Out To The Ball Game, ABCs, Speed Racer...

I have been really, really tired lately ~ is it from the cold or do I have some terminal illness? (yes, that's the way thoughts work in my brain).

I could really use a facial.

I need to write out my grocery list.

Cailey and Ben both need new snow suits and/or heavy coats before winter gets here.

Anna and the boys are going to be here in a few weeks!

I must get my Twilight book back from Holly. I want to read all four books again before the movie comes out.

Speaking of Holly, where is my Taste of Home stuff that I bought? :o) :o)

I miss spending time with all of the family.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy Birthday, Randy

Hope you have a good day!!!