Monday, September 15, 2008

I took Ben to get his three year old well-check today. He's a little over three years old because we had to postpone the well-check until after we got through all the tonsillectomy stuff.

So, here are the stats:
Weight - 41 lbs (97th percentile!)
Height - 39 inches (90th percentile!)

He's a big boy! He doesn't look that big, but if you try to lift just might throw your back out :o) I don't know where his height is coming from ~ must take after his Uncle Richie. Except for Richie, our family isn't known to have tall people. I am not convinced that he will be tall as an adult ~ I think his growth will slow down as he gets just isn't in his DNA to be really tall. Ben is also right on track with all of his development, including his speech!!! He isn't as articulate as Cailey was at this age, but we are finding that our children are as different as they can be...Yin and Yang. :o) I am so excited that Ben's hearing and speech have been cleared up and we can concentrate on moving forward and not having to work on 'catching up' to other children.

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