Sunday, September 28, 2008

Two more kids, 10 times the exhaustion

Jackson and Ethan are here. Anna and Geoff are attending a wedding in San Francisco this weekend, so we have the boys until this evening. I am tired, so very tired ~ four kids is a lot of work. But, the boys have been really, really good. I am surprised, not because they are bad (they are not), but because this is the longest they have been left with both parents gone. I had, metaphorically, put my body armor on and prepared for the worst ~ tantrums, fear, screaming...the works. Fortunately, we haven't had any of that. The boys have been going to bed, eating, playing...all without fuss. Friday I added Matt and Zach to the mix ~ I know, glutton for punishment ~ but, the kids all played so nicely and really enjoyed each other. I love having the kids spend time together ~ I love that they are close to their cousins. I do wish they lived here so we could spend more time together.

  • Run to Starbucks for coffee
  • Take Anna to the airport
  • lunch and naps
  • lots of play time
  • dinner
  • walk to the ice cream store ~ we took the wagon for Cailey, Ben, and Jackson. I carried Ethan in the backpack. We only had one person ask us if they were all ours!
  • bed time


  • Breakfast and play time
  • drove to pick up Matt and Zach
  • stopped at Subway for lunch
  • nap time
  • lots of playtime
  • Grandma K came over to play and brought balloons!
  • dinner and bedtime


  • Starbucks ~ thank you Grandma K
  • Yummy homemade banana bread for breakfast - Yeah, Me!!
  • went to Zachary's baseball game and played at the park
  • lunch and nap time
  • went to buy a new fish, the furniture store, the mall (pizza!!!), the Container Store...yes, all four kids went and were FANTASTIC!
  • bath time and bed time!


  • Bronco Sunday!!!!
  • lunch and nap time
  • pick up Anna and Geoff from the airport
  • dinner at Red Robin
  • retirement ~ we will retire two children

Our new Crown-tail Beta named ~ Francisco Danger Adams ~ Danger is his middle name (HA HA HAHAHAH).

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