Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ben's First Swim Lesson

In the hopes of giving Ben some swimming skills and preventing a near-drowning, we have enrolled him in swim lessons. I have commented before that Ben has zero fear of the water and will jump into the pool anywhere, anytime...and frequently does...without advance notice. When at the pool, I literally have to hold on to him until everyone is ready to get in because he will jump in quicker than you can imagine. We have resorted to putting the life vest on him, but he is outgrowing that and starting to protest the vest. Besides, it's important that he learn to swim in any case. So, he will be going to swim lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays until the end of the year!

Last night was the first lesson and he was a little bored because he has to wait his turn with the instructor ~ he didn't understand why he had to sit on the step instead of playing. He kept telling me, "I already know how to swim. I a good swimmer, Mommy." There in lies the problem. He thinks he can swim. But, he did great listening to the teacher and learning how to blow bubbles and float! He's such a big boy, now.

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