Sunday, September 7, 2008

Little random thoughts swimming around in my head...

I love shopping. I love buying new clothes and I have picked up a new love of all things accessory related ~ jewelry, shoes, handbags, glasses, belts. Scott definitely does not like this new love of accessories.

I finally spent my gift card from Christmas to Pottery Barn. I bought three decorative vases for the dining room table. Now that I have them home, I can't decide if I like them ~ I think I might take them back and get something else I saw at Pottery Barn.

Football season has started so I have lost all access to the television on the weekends until January. I guess I'll go shopping on the weekends...HA HA HA

I am super excited about my upcoming trip to Ohio for our class reunion!! Can I lose 20 pounds in three weeks? No? I'll just eat another piece of cake then :o) ;o)

Can I take two carry-ons on the plane? I have to check that because I do not want to check a bag and risk it getting lost.

I am finally starting to feel better after fighting a serious cold for over a week.

Cailey is going to be a pirate for Halloween ~ we already bought the costume. Ben wants the sword and the eye patch but doesn't care about anything else. Should we all dress up as pirates and be a family of pirates for Halloween this year? Should we have a Halloween Party? What day is Halloween this year?

We have to lube the belt on the treadmill but I have no idea where the lube is ~ I can't use the treadmill until we find the lube...ugh.

Ben had his post-op appointment with the ENT and all is well. He passed his hearing test!!

Christmas is coming.

I hate Mondays and I hate that hating Mondays ruins my Sunday because I am anticipating Monday.

We need to pull the video camera out and get Ben singing on video ~ he sings BINGO, Take Me Out To The Ball Game, ABCs, Speed Racer...

I have been really, really tired lately ~ is it from the cold or do I have some terminal illness? (yes, that's the way thoughts work in my brain).

I could really use a facial.

I need to write out my grocery list.

Cailey and Ben both need new snow suits and/or heavy coats before winter gets here.

Anna and the boys are going to be here in a few weeks!

I must get my Twilight book back from Holly. I want to read all four books again before the movie comes out.

Speaking of Holly, where is my Taste of Home stuff that I bought? :o) :o)

I miss spending time with all of the family.


Rachel said...

If you have a few hours... has all kinds of extras for twilight fans. There is even 12 chapters of Twilight narrated from Edward (Midnight Sun). I spent a lot of time there waiting for Breaking Dawn to be released.

Terra said...

HEY HEY...we lead such similar lives...I too have lost my TV on Sundays and Mondays till January, I too have been so tired for the last few months that terminal illness has crossed my mind several times, I eat cake when I decide losing weight is just not going to happen and Halloween party thoughts (to have or not to have) have been dancing in my head for about a week now...Hope you are all well...we should try to get together soon!