Saturday, June 23, 2007

A Time to Shine ~ Cailey's Recital!

Cailey had her first "official" recital today. It was WONDERFUL! She did such a good job and she was super cute ~ of course :o) :o) We are so very proud of her and she says she had a really good time. She is done with dance for the summer. She will be taking Tap 2 and Hip Hop 1-2 starting August 6. She has really taken to the dancing and we are very excited to watch her grow and learn!!! I have so many pictures of her, but a lot of them are a little blurry because the auditorium was dark and the kids were dancing pretty quick...ugh, digital cameras :o) :o) Enjoy the pictures of our star!
Cailey's teacher (on the right) ~ these are the owners (and twin sisters) of her dance academy:
Waiting her turn:
Opening pose ~ the dance begins:

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Dance recitals are the best... until they start competitons that is!